Monday, January 23, 2012


Totally awful, I am.  It has been too long between posts.

But today is the perfect day for an update!  Our HHG shipment (the big sha-bang with furniture and such) came!!  I mean, now we have to figure out what to do with all this stuff in our new home, but it really came and I feel so blessed to finally have it here.  Hopefully hubby and I will begin to feel more settled here, like we're going to be able to live here for 3 years instead of just 3 months.

Also, baby boy is still adorably cute.

Little man showing off Hohenburg castle
The picture is only clear when it's that small :(

His favorite thing right now is to run through water, splash it around and then try to bite it.  He's classy.

Hubby's pretty jealous of the weather back home in Washington.  Emergency level snow storm, say what??  Thank goodness our parents are safe, but just sending out lots more prayers.  My parents are flushing their toilets with water they're draining from the rain gutters, and their car that just stopped working slipped down a snowy, icy hill and broke a window in the house.  Wow.  I can't even imagine.  And here in Bavaria we had a balmy day without even a frost.

Thank you Jesus for all of our blessings.


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